I sort of enjoyed this novel, giving it four stars, reading in someone else’s head – does that make sense? – No? I will explain.
Thinking of writing a YA vampire novel I downloaded a couple of examples, this being one that cropped up towards the top of the list. After reading the short (under 300 Kindle pages) novel I looked at some of the reviews that stand at 4.7 as I write. Most of the reviews appear to be by young girls, which didn’t surprise me and I couldn’t imagine this book being read and enjoyed by a young teenage boy.
The protagonist is very much young female, it’s her emotions that are explored and although the whole book explores her feelings for a boy and a man (vampire man) nothing actually happens until (fanfare) a kiss on the last pages.
You cannot really criticise a book that has sold millions (literally) of copies and has thousands of reviews but, here goes;
Some reviews talk about how scary the novel is and I find that hard to believe unless you are extremely squeamish.
The blurb introduces the book as a starter to the series (huge series) and that is exactly what it is. There is no resolution at the end of the book, you either want to know how things end and buy more or you leave, disappointed.
As one top reviewer has pointed out, the protagonist is weak and trembly, is kidnapped by vampires, takes total control of the situation and rules the most important vampire. Strange to say the least, some would say unbelievable.
Conclusion; If you want a one-off read, I would be disappointed. If you are a young teenage girl looking for a series to read that seems to never end then this is a good starter for you to decide whether to proceed or not.
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